Rainbow Dinner

How Rainbow Dinner works...

Step one: Sign-up...

As a host

First of all, THANK YOU so much for considering hosting a Rainbow Dinner meal. Rainbow Dinner is completely dependent on those of you who sign up as hosts. No hosts = No Rainbow Dinner event.

As a host, you open your home for a total of 8 rainbow people, including yourself and your travel buddy, for up to two hours (typically closer to 1.5 hours, because everyone has to move on to the next meal). You will host either an appetizer, the main course or the dessert (you will be notified about which on the Thursday prior to the event). If you are hosting the main course, you will not only have your travel buddy to help with the main course - we will assign another couple to help with the main course too (so, two couples are in charge of the main course, since it's typically slightly more demanding than the other two meals).

Yes, your home is good enough...
It may seem a little overwhelming to sign up as a host. Is there a lot of extra work in it? Is my home nice enough? Don't worry. In fact, it doesn't require much to host. No one expects you to live in an "instagrammable" mansion with matching chairs, silverware and plates from Royal Copenhagen. Rainbow Dinner is about the "rainbow community", getting to know each other and having fun - not about showcasing beautiful homes. Most homes actually look completely "normal" (with both Ikea furniture and non-matching wine glasses).

We've made Watch this short video, explaining what it means to host (IN DANISH).

As a guest

If you sign up as a guest for Rainbow Dinner, you will be matched with a travel buddy (likely, someone who has signed up as a host) and be tasked with preparing one of the three meals of the evening together. If neither you nor your travel buddy is hosting a meal, you will be tasked with helping a host couple with the main course.

As a couple (NB. You will host one meal)

If you sign up as a couple for Rainbow Dinner, you will travel together during the evening - and and enjoy meals with 18 other rainbow people. We do not match you with anyone else. You will be tasked with hosting one of the three meals of the evening. (see the section above about hosting) - and you will prepare it like everyone else. If you are hosting the main course, we will assign another couple to help you out.

The Thursday prior to the event...

On the Thursday prior to the Rainbow Dinner event, you will receive an email (itinerary) containing information about who your travel buddy is and how to get in touch. You will also get to know you and your travel buddy's itinerary for the evening - where to be for the appetizer, the main course and for the dessert - as well as for the afterparty.

Contact your travel buddy and agree on how you approach your fellow task (the meal you are going to prepare), where and when you meet and how you're going to deal with shopping for the meal you are preparing. Remember that people are different, so be sure to agree on preparing a meal that matches your financial capability, mood, schedule and abilities in a kitchen.

It may be a good idea to align expectations in advance - such as how you're going to approach the transportation between meals (bicycle, taxi, public transportation etc.).

In a nutshell:

  • You get to know who your travel buddy is and how to get in touch
  • You get to know which meal you will be preparing with your travel buddy
  • You get to know where to enjoy the appetizer, the main course and the dessert
  • You get to know the location of the afterparty as well as practical info in this regard
  • Contact your travel buddy and make the necessary arrangements
  • If you are helping with the main course - contact the other couple responsible for the main course and ensure the necessary coordination


NB. If you can't get in touch with your travel buddy by Friday afternoon at the latest, let us know at info@rainbowdinner.dk, and we will try to solve the problem - or find another travel buddy for you.

Saturday (the day of the Rainbow Dinner event)

It's Saturday - and you're getting ready for an amazing evening with a lot of exciting people. You're meeting with your travel buddy to shop for and prepare a meal and to travel together for the three meals of the evening.

You usually meet with your travel buddy some hours before the appetizer starts.Perhaps you've made a plan in advance for what's going to happen. You shop for the meal and prepare it together. You also procure the drinks you're having during the evening (it's Bring Your Own Beverages). The time schedule is:


18.00 Appetizer

20.00 Main course

22.00 Dessert

00.00 Afterparty


Remember to calculate for transportation time between the meals (typically 20-30 minutes). We will try to minimize transportation time as much as possible in our planning, but sometimes the logistics doesn't add up perfectly.

Wait a minute! I've got more questions...

If you have questions that we didn't answer here - or if there's something you still find unclear, then don't hesitate to contact us at info@rainbowdinner.dk. Alternatively, you might be able to find the answers you seek in the frequently asked questions that we've collected and answered here.


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